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General Information

Name R_Activity_Parameter
Entity Type Table
Description A classification of an activity parameter that, when instantiated, will have an actual value. For example, a parameter classification can have an upper limit and lower limit defined for it. When it is instantiated for a specific activity, it has an actual value that will fall between that upper and lower limit.
Submodel Activity
Entity Scope Reference
Primary Key Code
Natural Key Code
Generalizations Ref_Parameter_Entity , Reference_Entity , Reference_Entity_Parent


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Active_Flag boolean NA
1 = use without restriction. 0 = avoid use - the value has been deprecated and may be removed in a later release. Yes
Availability class from Customer Data Delivery Initiative (CDDI) No
Category CODE NA
A classification of the parameter indicating the group or category that this parameter is a member of. For example, logging activities may have parameters associated with log quality control. No
A standard abbreviation, mnemonic, or short code that represents the reference value. Yes
Data_Type R_Data_Type
A mnemonic code or abbreviation that defines the data type of the parameter. Examples include boolean, integer, float, etc. No
Default_Boolean_Value boolean NA
Provides the expected value for a boolean parameter. No
Default_Integer_Value int No_Unit
Provides an expected value for an integer parameter. No
Default_Num_Value double No_Unit
Provides an expected value for a numeric parameter. No
Default_String_Value CODE NA
Provides an expected value for a string parameter requires a value. No
Description STRING2000 NA
A textual definition of the reference value. No
High_Limit_Incl_Flag boolean NA
If Y, then the allowable numeric value interval includes the upper limit stored in R_Property.Num_High_Limit. For use only when an appropriate domain is not provided, or to further constrain a defined domain interval. No
Initial_Num_Value double No_Unit
An initial numeric value, which can be established by the workflow designer, or overridden through workflow startup interaction with the operator. The semantics of null are inherited from the database NULL. I.e. to indicate that the value is null, either do not set an initial value, or explicitly write a NULL to it. See also the Null_Allowed_Flag. If a parameter associated with a Activity_Template has a NULL initial value, and a Null_Allowed_Flag=N, then both the Initial_Num_Value, and the Activity_Parameter.Num_Value must be given values at application startup time, e.g. through interaction. No
Initial_Str_Value STRING255 NA
An initial string value, which can be established by the workflow designer, or overridden through workflow startup interaction with the operator. The semantics of null are inherited from the database NULL. I.e. to indicate that the value is null, either do not set an initial value, or explicitly write a NULL to it. See also the Null_Allowed_Flag. If a parameter associated with a Activity_Template has a NULL initial value, and a Null_Allowed_Flag=N, then both the Initial_Str_Value, and the Activity_Parameter.String_Value must be given values at application startup time, e.g. through interaction. No
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
Interaction_Help STRING255 NA
A short description explaining the use of the parameter in the workflow. Useful for guiding a user through the process of setting a value for the parameter when needed. No
Low_Limit_Incl_Flag boolean NA
If Y, then the allowable numeric value interval includes the lower limit in R_Property.Num_Low_Limit. For use only when Seabed does not provide an appropriate domain, or to further constrain a Seabed-defined domain interval. No
The spelled-out name of the reference value. No
Namespace CODE NA
The company, authority or application that defined or specified the data structure for this parameter and is considered to be responsible for it. For example, SLB, POSC, EPSG, API, ISO, etc.. No
Null_Allowed_Flag boolean NA
Indicates whether the parameter can be set to a null value (i.e. the database NULL value). This controls both workflow startup and Activity_Parameter objects associated with active activity objects. No
The domain of the parameter. Domain encompasses data type (e.g. float versus string) and optionally value constraints such as numeric limits or string enumerations. Seabed-provided examples are BIOTURBATION_TYPE, IADC_BIT_CODE, INTERPOLATION_METHOD, Int32, Float64 and String64. No
Property R_Property
A characteristic of an object that can be measured or described. Examples include, Acoustic Velocity and Wellbore Shape. Yes
Source CODE NA
The person, company or application that defined or specified the data (content) for this instance and is considered to be responsible for it. For example, POSC, EPSG, API, ISO, etc.. No
Unit_Fixed_Flag boolean NA
Set by workflow designer to true to constrain the unit of the parameter at application startup to be the initial value of Activity_Parameter.Num_Value_UOM. If false or absent, Activity_Parameter.Num_Value_UOM can take on any value consistent with R_Property.Name. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No

Composed Of

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Many Activity_Parameter_Enum

Referenced By

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From EntityLinkDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Activity_Parameter Parameter_Type The parameter type that classifies this parameter. In other words, the parameter type that defines the default value, high and low limit values, initial value, value domain, etc. for this parameter. Restrict No
R_WG_Activity_Parameter Activity_Parameter The activity parameter definition that this instance extends Cascade Yes
WG_Work_Order_Parm Parameter_Type The definition of the parameter used in the work order process. Restrict Yes

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Data_Type R_Data_Type _ Nullify No
Property R_Property _ Restrict Yes

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