Name | Seismic_Survey_3D_DOV |
Entity Type | ObjectView |
Description | Data Object View. The Seismic Survey 3D DOV. |
Submodel | Data_Object |
Entity Scope | Project |
Primary Key | Id |
Natural Key | |
Generalizations | |
Specializations |
Name | Value Domain | Property / Storage Unit | Description | Required / Default | Type |
Application_Project_Id | Application_Project |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Application Project. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Application_Project_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
The name of a collection of exploration and production data stored in a database and managed by a software application. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Area_Id | Area |
Unique identifier for the Area. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Bin_Node_Inc_On_I_Axis | double | No_Unit |
The difference between adjacent annotations on the I Axis. | No |
Bin_Node_Inc_On_J_Axis | double | No_Unit |
The difference between adjacent annotations on the J Axis. | No |
Cube_Lattice_Id | Cube_Lattice |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Cube Lattice. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
First_I_Coordinate_Line | double | No_Unit |
The value of the I axis annotation at the first corner point where I and J coordinates are 0. | No |
First_J_Coordinate_Line | double | No_Unit |
The value of the J axis annotation at the first corner point where I an J coordinates are 0. | No |
I_Axis_Description | STRING255 | NA |
Name commonly used with I Axis. It is the same as I_Alternate_Description in bin definition of SEGY . | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
I_Coordinate_Line_Count | int | No_Unit |
Total number of lines along I coordinate axis. | No |
NUMBER(10) |
Id | ID | No_Unit |
Unique identifier for this entity. | Yes |
NUMBER(38) |
Insert_Date | DATE | NA |
Date the entity was created in the repository | No |
Insert_User | STRING64 | NA |
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
J_Axis_Description | STRING255 | NA |
Name commonly used with J_Axis. It is the same as J_Alternate_Description in bin definition of SEGY | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
J_Coordinate_Line_Count | int | No_Unit |
Total number of lines along J coordinate axis. | No |
NUMBER(10) |
Last_I_Coordinate_Line | double | No_Unit |
The value of the I axis annotation at the last corner point. | No |
Last_J_Coordinate_Line | double | No_Unit |
The value of the J axis annotation at the last corner point. | No |
License_Holder_Id | Company |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the License Holder Company. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
License_Holder_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
The name of the owner (i.e., the license holder) of the survey. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Original_Source | STRING64 | NA |
Business_Associate, or project source that originally provided this entity, e.g. "IHS-EnergyData" or "FinderUpper Stratton Deeper Pool 15" | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Project_Datastore_Id | Project_Datastore |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Project Datastore. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Project_Datastore_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
The name of a database of the seismic data belonging to the interpretation project. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Remarks | REMARKS_STR | NA |
Any type of remarks added to an entity instance. | No |
VARCHAR2(999) |
Shape | GEOMETRY | NA |
Binary spatial representation of the area. | No |
Survey_Area_Name | STRING255 | NA |
Area where the survey has been conducted. Examples: "Gulf of MEXICO", "North Sea" , "Western Australia" etc. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Survey_Boundary_Id | Survey_Boundary |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Survey Boundary. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Survey_CRS | CODE |
READ ONLY: The projected or geographic CRS code of the Coordinate System for this survey | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Survey_CRS_Id | Coordinate_System |
Unique identifier for the coordinate system | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Survey_CRS_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
READ ONLY: The spelled-out name for the projected or geographic CRS code of the Coordinate System for this survey | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Survey_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
Survey Name | Yes |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Survey_Project_Name | STRING255 | NA |
Project name given for the seismic survey at the time of acquisition. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Survey_Prospect_Name | STRING255 | NA |
Prospect name for the survey. This further identifies the survey region. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Survey_Source | STRING64 | NA |
Name of the Business_Associate responsible for this entity"s E and P content and quality. Not the data technologist or IT expert creating the entity, for which see IT_Object.Insert_User and Update_User. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Survey_Unique_Locator | FILE_NAME_STR | NA |
Unique identifier to locate interpretation application project 3D survey. | No |
VARCHAR2(999) |
Link | To Entity | Description | Implementation Technique | Required |
Survey_CRS | Coordinate_System | Unique identifier for the coordinate system | Nullify | No |
Cube_Lattice | Cube_Lattice | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Cube Lattice. | Nullify | No |
Survey_Boundary | Survey_Boundary | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Survey Boundary. | Nullify | No |
Application_Project | Application_Project | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Application Project. | Nullify | No |
License_Holder | Company | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the License Holder Company. | Nullify | No |
Project_Datastore | Project_Datastore | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Project Datastore. | Nullify | No |
Area | Area | Unique identifier for the Area. | Nullify | No |
CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW Seismic_Survey_3D_DOV(ID, SURVEY_NAME, SURVEY_AREA_NAME, SURVEY_SOURCE, ORIGINAL_SOURCE, SURVEY_CRS_ID, SURVEY_CRS, SURVEY_CRS_NAME, SURVEY_PROJECT_NAME, SURVEY_PROSPECT_NAME, SURVEY_UNIQUE_LOCATOR, LICENSE_HOLDER_NAME, PROJECT_DATASTORE_NAME, APPLICATION_PROJECT_NAME, FIRST_I_COORDINATE_LINE, LAST_I_COORDINATE_LINE, FIRST_J_COORDINATE_LINE, LAST_J_COORDINATE_LINE, BIN_NODE_INC_ON_I_AXIS, BIN_NODE_INC_ON_J_AXIS, I_COORDINATE_LINE_COUNT, J_COORDINATE_LINE_COUNT, I_AXIS_DESCRIPTION, J_AXIS_DESCRIPTION, REMARKS, SHAPE, INSERT_DATE, INSERT_USER, CUBE_LATTICE_ID, SURVEY_BOUNDARY_ID, AREA_ID, LICENSE_HOLDER_ID, PROJECT_DATASTORE_ID, APPLICATION_PROJECT_ID) AS select Id, Survey_Name, s3.survey_area_name Survey_Area_Name, s3.source Survey_Source, s3.original_source Original_Source, s3.Survey_CRS_Id Survey_CRS_Id, Survey_CRS, crs.Name Survey_CRS_Name, s3.Survey_Project_Name Survey_Project_Name, s3.Survey_Prospect_Name Survey_Prospect_Name, s3.Survey_Unique_Locator Survey_Unique_Locator, co.Name License_Holder_Name, pds.Name Project_Datastore_Name, ap.Name Application_Project_Name, cl.i_annotation_at_0_0 First_I_Coordinate_Line, cl.i_annotation_at_0_0 + (cl.i_count - 1) * cl.i_annotation_increment Last_I_Coordinate_Line, cl.j_annotation_at_0_0 First_J_Coordinate_Line, cl.j_annotation_at_0_0 + (cl.j_count - 1) * cl.j_annotation_increment Last_J_Coordinate_Line, cl.i_annotation_increment Bin_Node_Inc_On_I_Axis, cl.j_annotation_increment Bin_Node_Inc_On_J_Axis, cl.i_count I_Coordinate_Line_Count, cl.j_count J_Coordinate_Line_Count, cl.i_axis_description I_Axis_Description, cl.j_axis_description J_Axis_Description, s3.Remarks Remarks, area.shape Shape, s3.insert_date Insert_Date, s3.insert_user Insert_User, Cube_Lattice_Id, Survey_Boundary_Id, Area_Id, co.Id License_Holder_Id, pds.Id Project_Datastore_Id, ap.Id Application_Project_Id from Survey_3D s3, Cube_Lattice cl, Company co, Application_Project ap, Project_Datastore pds, Coordinate_System cs, R_Coordinate_Ref_System crs, Survey_Boundary sb, Area area where s3.License_Holder_Id = (+) and s3.survey_crs_id = and = crs.code (+) and = cl.survey_3d_id(+) and = sb.survey_3d_id(+) and sb.polygon_geometry_id = and s3.Application_Project_Id = ap.Id(+) and ap.Project_Datastore_Id = pds.Id (+) |