
[Columns] [Composed Of] [Referenced By] [Refers To]

General Information

Name Geopolitical_Position
Entity Type Extension of Position
Description Identifiers of any of several types of regions used to divide the surface of the earth geographically or politically, such as country, state, etc.
Submodel Spatial
Entity Scope Project
Primary Key Position_Id
Natural Key
Generalizations Tracked_Object


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
City_Name STRING255 NA
Name of the city containing the item No
Country_Code R_Country
The unique identifier of the country in which the position resides. The codes are assigned by the International Standards Organization (ISO) as documented in standard 3166 and uniquely identify a national government, i.e., a country. Examples are US for the United States and UK for the United Kingdom. No
Country_Name STRING255 NA
Name of a country No
County_Name STRING255 NA
Name of a county or other first political subdivision below state/province containing the item No
District_Name STRING255 NA
Name of the regulatory district in which the item is located No
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
Onshore_Offshore_Desc STRING64 NA
A general description of the onshore/offshore location No
Position_Id Position
Identifiers of any of several types of Regions used to divide the surface of the earth geographically or politically, such as Country, State, etc. Yes
Produced_By STRING64 NA
The name of application role that created the entity, for data created programmatically. No
Regulatory_Agency STRING255 NA
Name of the regulatory agency defining the District_Name No
SDAT_Label int No_Unit
Label used by the security system for entitlements. SDAT is Secure Data Access Technology. No
State_Name STRING255 NA
Name of a state, province or other first political subdivision below country containing the item No
Terrain_Type STRING64 NA
The type of terrain found at the location. For example Grassland, Shrubland. No
Timezone R_Timezone
The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) Code for the time zone of this position. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No

Referenced By

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From EntityLinkDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Well_Summary_DOV Geopolitical_Position READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the geopolitical position. Cascade No

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Timezone R_Timezone The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) Code for the time zone of this position. Restrict No
Country_Code R_Country The unique identifier of the country in which the position resides. The codes are assigned by the International Standards Organization (ISO) as documented in standard 3166 and uniquely identify a national government, i.e., a country. Examples are US for the United States and UK for the United Kingdom. Restrict No
Position Position Identifiers of any of several types of Regions used to divide the surface of the earth geographically or politically, such as Country, State, etc. Cascade Yes

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