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General Information

Name R_Country
Entity Type Table
Description A lookup reference entity for countries. The codes are assigned by the International Standards Organization (ISO) 3166 and uniquely identify a national government, i.e., a country. Examples are US for the United States and UK for the United Kingdom.
Submodel Reference
Entity Scope Reference
Primary Key Code
Natural Key Code
Generalizations Reference_Entity , Reference_Entity_Parent


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Active_Flag boolean NA
1 = use without restriction. 0 = avoid use - the value has been deprecated and may be removed in a later release. Yes
A standard abbreviation, mnemonic, or short code that represents the reference value. Yes
Description STRING2000 NA
A textual definition of the reference value. No
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
The spelled-out name of the reference value. No
Phone_Prefix_Code CODE NA
A numeric code or string of digits that is the national prefix to be used when dialing TO this country FROM another country. For example, the dial in code for the United States = 1, the United Kingdom = 44, and Afghanistan = 93. From many countries you must prefix the country code with the IDD Prefix (International Direct Dialing). The IDD prefix is the international prefix needed to dial a call FROM a country TO another country. This is followed by the country code for the country you are calling (see above). The IDD situation in many countries has been changing regularly. Some countries have multiple IDDs, with each one used by a different long-distance carrier. No
Source CODE NA
The person, company or application that defined or specified the data (content) for this instance and is considered to be responsible for it. For example, POSC, EPSG, API, ISO, etc.. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No

Referenced By

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From EntityLinkDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Address Country_Code A mnemonic code or abbreviation that uniquely identifies the country in which the address is located. Restrict No
Alternate_Position Country_Code The unique identifier of the country in which the position resides. The codes are assigned by the International Standards Organization (ISO) as documented in standard 3166 and uniquely identify a national government, i.e., a country. Examples are US for the United States and UK for the United Kingdom. Restrict No
Geopolitical_Position Country_Code The unique identifier of the country in which the position resides. The codes are assigned by the International Standards Organization (ISO) as documented in standard 3166 and uniquely identify a national government, i.e., a country. Examples are US for the United States and UK for the United Kingdom. Restrict No

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