
[Columns] [Composed Of] [Referenced By] [Refers To]

General Information

Name Material_Composition
Entity Type Table
Description Records the relative concentrations of the components of a material.
Submodel Fluid_Analysis
Entity Scope Project
Primary Key Id
Natural Key Fluid_Sample_Id , Component_Material_Type , Material_Type , Fluid_Analysis_Id , Fluid_Analysis_Stage_Id , Existence_Kind , Version
Generalizations IT_Object , Tracked_Object


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Component_Material_Type R_Production_Material
A value that describes the component material that is described as being a part of the whole material (represented by Material_Type or Fluid_Sample_Id). Yes
Concentration double Mass_Per_Volume
The concentration of the material in the sample No
Equilibrium_Ratio double Gas_To_Liquid_Ratio
The equilibrium vaporization ratio: ratio of the mole fraction of a fluid system component in the vapor phase divided by the mole fraction of the same component in the liquid phase. The temperature and pressure at which this ratio is valid are populated in the Fluid_Analysis class. No
A reference value that describes the state of existence in the lifecycle of the entity, for example, Planned, Predicted, Required, Simulated, and Actual. Yes
Fluid_Analysis_Id Fluid_Analysis
The identifier of the fluid analysis activity that determined the composition of the sample. No
Fluid_Analysis_Stage_Id Fluid_Analysis_Stage
The identifier of the fluid analysis stage that determined the composition of the sample. No
Fluid_Sample_Id Fluid_Sample
The identifier of the fluid sample described by this material composition. Yes
Globally Unique IDentifier for an instance of a class. USAGE NOTES: There are two cases: 1) GUID is not populated or used; and 2) it is populated with a value that is globally unique. If the GUID is populated there are two means of doing so for a given project: 2a) Seabed automatically generates and populates the GUID when an instance is created (valid only on Oracle based systems); and 2b) the GUID is generated and populated by an application (other than Seabed) on instance creation. Whether Seabed automatically generates GUIDs for a project is determined by the Auto_GUID flag in SDS_Account. Note that techniques 2a and 2b can coexist in the same project. When GUIDs are automatically generated an application can override the automatically generated GUID with its own GUID by simply supplying the GUID value. Applications that generate their own GUIDs and populate the GUID column will function correctly on projects which have automatic GUID generation turned on. No
Id ID No_Unit
Unique identifier for this entity. Yes
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
Mass_Fraction double Dimensionless
The fraction of the sample that this material represents calculated on a mass basis No
Material_Phase_Code R_Material_Phase
A value that describes the phase of the material whose composition is being described. Example values are: Solid, Liquid, or Gas. No
Material_Type R_Production_Material
A value that describes the material on which the compositional analysis is performed No
Mole_Fraction double Dimensionless
The fraction of the sample that this material represents calculated on a mole basis No
Molecular_Weight NUMBER Dimensionless
Molecular weight No
Produced_By STRING64 NA
The name of application role that created the entity, for data created programmatically. No
Any type of remarks added to a material composition. No
Result_Operator STRING1 NA
An operator to describe whether the actual result was less than or greater than the value in the respective column. This is required when the actual value is less than the detect value for the test or greater than the limit that the measurement device can read. No
SDAT_Label int No_Unit
Label used by the security system for entitlements. SDAT is Secure Data Access Technology. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No
Version STRING255 NA
The form or variant of the entity. Yes
Volume_Fraction double Dimensionless
The fraction of the sample that this material represents calculated on a volumetric basis No

Referenced By

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From EntityLinkDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV nC4 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV H2S READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV N2 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV C1 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV C2 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV C3 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV iC4 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV C6plus READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV iC5 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV nC5 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV CO2 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV O2 READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Oil_Fluid_Analysis_DOV BSW READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Oil_Fluid_Analysis_DOV Salt_Content READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No
Oil_Fluid_Analysis_DOV Sulfur_Content READ ONLY: Material composition identifier. Cascade No

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Material_Phase_Code R_Material_Phase A value that describes the phase of the material whose composition is being described. Example values are: Solid, Liquid, or Gas. Restrict No
Fluid_Analysis Fluid_Analysis The identifier of the fluid analysis activity that determined the composition of the sample. Cascade No
Fluid_Sample Fluid_Sample The identifier of the fluid sample described by this material composition. Cascade Yes
Material_Type R_Production_Material A value that describes the material on which the compositional analysis is performed Restrict No
Fluid_Analysis_Stage Fluid_Analysis_Stage The identifier of the fluid analysis stage that determined the composition of the sample. Cascade No
Component_Material_Type R_Production_Material A value that describes the component material that is described as being a part of the whole material (represented by Material_Type or Fluid_Sample_Id). Restrict Yes

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