Name | R_Production_Material |
Entity Type | Table |
Description | A type of production material. A production material is any material that can be produced from a reservoir (i.e., oil, water, gas) OR any material that facilitates the production of reservoir fluids. For example, injected materials such as water and steam are considered production materials. |
Submodel | Reference |
Entity Scope | Reference |
Primary Key | Code |
Natural Key | Code |
Generalizations | Reference_Entity , Reference_Entity_Parent |
Specializations |
Name | Value Domain | Property / Storage Unit | Description | Required / Default | Type |
Active_Flag | boolean | NA |
1 = use without restriction. 0 = avoid use - the value has been deprecated and may be removed in a later release. | Yes 1 |
Code | CODE | NA |
A standard abbreviation, mnemonic, or short code that represents the reference value. | Yes |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Description | STRING2000 | NA |
A textual definition of the reference value. | No |
VARCHAR2(2000) |
Insert_Date | DATE | NA |
Date the entity was created in the repository | No |
Insert_User | STRING64 | NA |
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Name | STRING255 | NA |
The spelled-out name of the reference value. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Source | CODE | NA |
The person, company or application that defined or specified the data (content) for this instance and is considered to be responsible for it. For example, POSC, EPSG, API, ISO, etc.. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Update_Date | DATE | NA |
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. | No |
Update_User | STRING64 | NA |
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
From Entity | Link | Description | Implementation Technique | Required |
Allocation_Factor_Group | Material_Type | A value that describes the material type for which this set of allocation factors will apply. | Restrict | Yes |
Borehole | Nominal_Prod_Material | The nominal material produced by a borehole. Used to classify a well as a gas, oil or water well. This does not reflect the actual production from a borehole over the life time of the well. | Restrict | No |
Borehole_Pressure_Grad | Fluid_Type | The fluid type for which the gradient is calculated. | Restrict | No |
Detect_Limit | Material_Type | A value that describes the material for which the limit has been defined. | Restrict | Yes |
Drill_Fluid_Gas_Pty | Gas_Type | The gas type | Restrict | Yes |
Fac_Connection_Material | Material_Type | The type of material that could flow over the specified connection at the specified point in time. | Restrict | Yes |
Fluid_Feature_Contact | Lower_Fluid | The type of fluid found in the layer below a reference surface (e.g. Water in layer below a Fluid Contact in a Reservoir.) | Restrict | No |
Fluid_Feature_Contact | Upper_Fluid | The type of fluid found in the layer above a reference surface (e.g. Oil in layer above a Fluid Contact in a Reservoir,) | Restrict | No |
Fluid_Non_State_Pty_Set | Material_Type | A value that describes the material whose non-state properties are being measured. | Restrict | No |
Fluid_Sample | Material_Type | A value that describes the material of which the fluid sample is composed. | Restrict | No |
Fluid_State_Pty_Set | Material_Type | A value that describes the material whose state properties are being measured. | Restrict | No |
Land_Sale_Mineral | Mineral_Type | The type of mineral that is being offered via this land sale. | Restrict | Yes |
Land_Zone_Substance | Substance_Type | The resource that can be produced via the land right. | Restrict | Yes |
Material_Composition | Component_Material_Type | A value that describes the component material that is described as being a part of the whole material (represented by Material_Type or Fluid_Sample_Id). | Restrict | Yes |
Material_Composition | Material_Type | A value that describes the material on which the compositional analysis is performed | Restrict | No |
Production_Calc_Pty_Set | Measured_Material_Type | The type of material whose volumes are measured at this production entity. This is only valid for production entities that are used to collect measurements (like meters, tanks, measurement points). Example values are: Oil, Water, Gas. | Restrict | No |
Production_Volume | Material_Type | A value that describes the type of material whose volume is being reported. | Restrict | Yes |
R_Material_Category | Production_Material | The identifier of the production material which is categorized. | Restrict | Yes |
R_Material_Category | Material_Category | The identifier of the parent material which categorizes the production material. For example Oil is the parent of Waxy Oil. | Restrict | Yes |
Reserve_Qty | Reserve_Material | The identifier of the production material to which the estimated reserve quantity applies. | Restrict | Yes |
Reservoir_Fluid | Fluid_Type | The type of fluid in the reservoir; for example oil, gas, water, etc. | Restrict | Yes |
Reservoir_Zone_Pty_Set | Primary_Reservoir_Product | The primary type of production material contained in this reservoir. Example values are: Oil, Water, Gas. | Restrict | No |
Rock_Fluid_Feature | Reservoir_Fluid | The type of fluid in the reservoir; for example oil, gas, water, etc. Use of this association is deprecated as of Seabed release 2008.2. | Restrict | No |
Swab_Run_Fluid_Recovery | Material_Type | The production fluid recovered | Restrict | Yes |
Tank_Oper_Pty_Set | Material_Type | The type of material stored in the tank. | Restrict | No |
Trace_Hdr_Summary | Material_Type | The material associated with the well test trace | Restrict | No |
Treatment_Data | Material_Type | Production Material used for pumping activity. It may be slurry, clean fluid or Proppant. | Restrict | Yes |
Water_Pty_Allowable_Limit | Material_Type | A value that describes the material to which this limit applies. | Restrict | Yes |
Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery | Material_Type | The type of material that is recovered in the well test stage. For example, oil, water, gas, condensate, etc. | Restrict | Yes |