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General Information

Name Measurement_Point
Entity Type Table
Description A point where a measurement is taken. This can be associated with a facility, but may be just a "logical" location.
Submodel Fluid_Analysis
Entity Scope Project
Primary Key Id
Natural Key
Generalizations Facility , Entity , IT_Object , Tracked_Object


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Borehole_Id Borehole
The identifier of the Borehole for which this measurement was taken. No
A reference value that describes the state of existence in the lifecycle of the entity, for example, Planned, Predicted, Required, Simulated, and Actual. Yes
Facility_Equipment_Flag CODE NA
A flag to denote whether a given facility should be treated as a facility (F), a piece of equipment (E) or both (B). A facility labeled as F represents a role (e.g. ESP) played by physical piece(s) of equipment and would not have attributes like serial number, manufacturer etc. It can be related to the physical pieces(s) of equipment using Facility_Composition. The individual physical pieces can be replaced if they need to be, without changing the facility. A Facility labeled as E represents a physical piece of equipment (e.g. Drill Pipe) which is normally used in the context of an activity and would not be permanently installed. A facility labeled as B represents both a physical piece of equipment as well as the role played by it. If this kind of Facility is connected in the network and stops working and needs to be replaced, then all connections to this Facility are expired and new connections are made to the replacement facility. No
Globally Unique IDentifier for an instance of a class. USAGE NOTES: There are two cases: 1) GUID is not populated or used; and 2) it is populated with a value that is globally unique. If the GUID is populated there are two means of doing so for a given project: 2a) Seabed automatically generates and populates the GUID when an instance is created (valid only on Oracle based systems); and 2b) the GUID is generated and populated by an application (other than Seabed) on instance creation. Whether Seabed automatically generates GUIDs for a project is determined by the Auto_GUID flag in SDS_Account. Note that techniques 2a and 2b can coexist in the same project. When GUIDs are automatically generated an application can override the automatically generated GUID with its own GUID by simply supplying the GUID value. Applications that generate their own GUIDs and populate the GUID column will function correctly on projects which have automatic GUID generation turned on. No
Id ID No_Unit
Unique identifier for this entity. Yes
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
Location_Description DESCRIPTION_STR NA
A textual description of where exactly the measurement point is located No
Measured_Facility_Id Facility
The identifier of the facility associated with a Measurement_Point. No
Measured_Facility_Tbl Meta_Entity
Facility type No
Measurement_Point_Type R_Measurement_Point
A value that describes the type of measurement point such as a Draw Down Point, or an Inspection Port. Yes
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. name of Well, name of Field, etc. No
Original_Source STRING64 NA
The name of the person, Organization or project source that originally provided this entity, e.g. "IHS-EnergyData" or "FinderUpper Stratton Deeper Pool 15" No
Position_Id Position
The identifier of the position of a sample point. No
Produced_By STRING64 NA
The name of application role that created the entity, for data created programmatically. No
Remarks STRING2000 NA
Any type of remarks added to an entity instance. No
SDAT_Label int No_Unit
Label used by the security system for entitlements. SDAT is Secure Data Access Technology. No
Source STRING64 NA
Name of the person or organization responsible for this entitys E and P content and quality. Not the data technologist or IT expert creating the entity, for which see IT_Object.Insert_User and Update_User. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No
Vendor_Id Company
The company from which the facility was purchased. No
Version STRING255 NA
The form or variant of the entity. Yes

Referenced By

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From EntityLinkDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Fluid_Sample_Acquisition Sample_Point The identifier of the measurement point where the fluid was acquired. Cascade No
Measurement_Tag Measurement_Point Location of the measurement tag Restrict No
Production_Entity Measurement_Point The identifier of the measurement point that is represented by the production entity. Cascade No
Water_Measurement Measurement_Point The Measurement_Point where the ground water level reading was taken Cascade Yes

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Measurement_Point_Type R_Measurement_Point A value that describes the type of measurement point such as a Draw Down Point, or an Inspection Port. Restrict Yes
Borehole Borehole The identifier of the Borehole for which this measurement was taken. Cascade No
Vendor Company _ Nullify No
Position Position The identifier of the position of a sample point. Control No
Measured_Facility Facility The identifier of the facility associated with a Measurement_Point. Cascade No

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