
[Columns] [Composed Of] [Referenced By] [Refers To]

General Information

Name Borehole
Entity Type Table
Description A unique, oriented hole from the intended bottom of a drilled interval to the surface of the earth. If more than one path exists from a borehole bottom point to a surface point, more than one borehole exists. The borehole provides a conduit for operations within a well.
Submodel Well
Entity Scope Project
Primary Key Id
Natural Key UBHI , Existence_Kind , Version
Generalizations Entity , IT_Object , Tracked_Object


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Actual_Hole_Cost double No_Unit
The actual cost of drilling the borehole No
Borehole_Number int Dimensionless
Sidetrack number of Borehole relative to Well (0 for first/only Borehole of Well) Yes
Borehole_Reason STRING255 NA
The reason for the Borehole No
Borehole_Shape R_Borehole_Shape
The shape of the borehole No
Borehole_Type R_Borehole
The identifier of the type of a borehole. No
Bottom_Location_Id Position
The identifier of the position that marks the bottom location of this Borehole. No
Cost_Currency R_Currency
The currency used for all cost attributes on the borehole. No
Current_Status R_Borehole_Status
The status of the borehole that is currently in effect. This column represents a denormalization; and its value should be equal to the Borehole_Status.Status value in the Borehole_Status record where End_Date is NULL. No
Current_Status_Date DATE NA
The effective date of the current status of the borehole. This column represents a denormalization; and its value should be equal to the Borehole_Status.Start_Date value in the Borehole_Status record where End_Date is NULL. No
Driller_PBTD double Depth
Measured Depth of the current bottom of the borehole as recorded by the drilling contractor. It is the physical bottom of the borehole which is plugged either by a cement or by a mechanical plug. The P.B.T.D. can change in time. It is smaller than the Drilled Total Depth No
Driller_TD_MD double Depth
The total depth of the well borehole as reported by the drilling contractor. No
Driller_TD_TVD double Depth
The true total depth of the well borehole as reported by the drilling contractor. No
A reference value that describes the state of existence in the lifecycle of the entity, for example, Planned, Predicted, Required, Simulated, and Actual. Yes
Final_Drill_Date DATE NA
Date that the drilling operation for this borehole were completed No
Final_Rig_Release_Date DATE NA
The date the last rig used in the drilling phase of this borehole was released. This is specifically not the date of any completion, stimulation, workover or pulling rigs. This is a denormalization of data derivable from elsewhere within the database No
Formation_At_TD STRING255 NA
The formation at the total depth of the borehole. This is a denormalization of the association between Borehole and Geologic_Feature No
Globally Unique IDentifier for an instance of a class. USAGE NOTES: There are two cases: 1) GUID is not populated or used; and 2) it is populated with a value that is globally unique. If the GUID is populated there are two means of doing so for a given project: 2a) Seabed automatically generates and populates the GUID when an instance is created (valid only on Oracle based systems); and 2b) the GUID is generated and populated by an application (other than Seabed) on instance creation. Whether Seabed automatically generates GUIDs for a project is determined by the Auto_GUID flag in SDS_Account. Note that techniques 2a and 2b can coexist in the same project. When GUIDs are automatically generated an application can override the automatically generated GUID with its own GUID by simply supplying the GUID value. Applications that generate their own GUIDs and populate the GUID column will function correctly on projects which have automatic GUID generation turned on. No
Hole_Condition STRING255 NA
The type of a borehole condition. No
Id ID No_Unit
Unique identifier for this entity. Yes
Initial_Completion_Date DATE NA
The date of the initial completion of this borehole. This is a denormalization of the information in the Generic_Borehole_Activity record for the initial completion activity. No
Initial_Lahee_Class R_Lahee_Class
The initial Lahee class for a borehole No
Injection_Date DATE NA
On Injection Date for this well No
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
Kickoff_Method CODE NA
The method or equipment type used to kick off this borehole No
Lahee_Class R_Lahee_Class
The Lahee class for the borehole No
Legal_Survey_Id Deviation_Survey
The identifier of the Legal Survey for this Borehole. No
Logger_PBTD double Depth
Measured Depth of the current bottom of the borehole as recorded by the logging contractor. It is the physical bottom of the borehole which is plugged either by a cement or by a mechanical plug. The P.B.T.D. can change in time. It is smaller than the Drilled Total Depth No
Logger_TD_MD double Depth
The total depth of the well borehole as reported by the logging contractor. No
Logger_TD_TVD double Depth
The true total depth of the well borehole as reported by the logging contractor No
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. name of Well, name of Field, etc. No
Nominal_Prod_Material R_Production_Material
The nominal material produced by a borehole. Used to classify a well as a gas, oil or water well. This does not reflect the actual production from a borehole over the life time of the well. No
Original_Source STRING64 NA
The name of the person, Organization or project source that originally provided this entity, e.g. "IHS-EnergyData" or "FinderUpper Stratton Deeper Pool 15" No
Plan_Hole_Cost double No_Unit
The planned cost of the borehole No
Preferred_Survey_Id Deviation_Survey
The identifier of the Preferred Survey for a particular borehole. No
Produced_By STRING64 NA
The name of application role that created the entity, for data created programmatically. No
Production_Date DATE NA
On Production Date for this well No
Remarks STRING2000 NA
Any type of remarks added to an entity instance. No
SDAT_Label int No_Unit
Label used by the security system for entitlements. SDAT is Secure Data Access Technology. No
Source STRING64 NA
Name of the person or organization responsible for this entitys E and P content and quality. Not the data technologist or IT expert creating the entity, for which see IT_Object.Insert_User and Update_User. No
Spud_Date DATE NA
The date and time when activities to drill the borehole begin to create a hole in the earth. For a sidetrack, this is the date kickoff operations began. No
Tie_In_Borehole_Id Borehole
The identifier of the borehole to which this borehole ties in. No
Total_Depth_Date DATE NA
Date at which total depth was reached No
The Unique Identifier assigned to a borehole Yes
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No
Version STRING255 NA
The form or variant of the entity. Yes
Well_Id Well
The identifier of the well to which a borehole belongs. Yes
Whipstock_Depth double Depth
Depth to the kickoff point from a vertical hole section to the deviated portion. Formerly, this was the depth at which the whipstock was located. No
Working_Coord_System_Id Coordinate_System
The working coordinate system defined for the borehole No

Composed Of

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One NDC_Borehole

Referenced By

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From EntityLinkDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Activity_Facility_Invl Site_Borehole The borehole in which the facility (e.g. A permanent Gauge) is installed or used. In general, this should be used only when a facility is installed or its depth is changed inside a borehole. For activities which utilize a downhole facility, this should be used when the activity involves multiple boreholes. Nullify No
Borehole Tie_In_Borehole The identifier of the borehole to which this borehole ties in. Restrict No
Borehole_Activity Borehole The identifier of the borehole in which the activity occurred. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Activity_Program Borehole The identifier of the borehole for this Borehole Activity Program Cascade Yes
Borehole_Alias Borehole The identifier of the borehole to which this alias applies. Cascade Yes
Borehole_BA_Involvement Borehole The borehole for which this involvement is valid. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Formation_Eval Borehole The borehole for which the formation evaluation was performed. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Gradient Borehole The borehole for which the gradient is derived. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Point Borehole Borehole which contains this point Cascade Yes
Borehole_Remark Borehole The identifier of the borehole to which this remark applies. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Section Borehole Reference to the borehole for which the section is defined. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Seismic_Survey Receiver_Borehole The borehole in which the receivers used in the vertical seismic profile were located. Cascade No
Borehole_Seismic_Survey Source_Borehole The borehole in which the sources used in the vertical seismic profile were located, if the sources were downhole. Nullify No
Borehole_Status Borehole The identifier of the borehole to which the status refers. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Target Borehole The identifier of the borehole to which this target applies. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Velocity Borehole The borehole to which the borehole velocity function applies. Cascade No
Checkshot_Survey Borehole The borehole in which the checkshot was acquired or is attributed to. Cascade No
Core Borehole The identifier of the borehole that produced this core. Cascade No
Cost_Allocation Borehole The borehole to which the cost has been allocated Cascade No
Cuttings Borehole The identifier of the borehole that produced these cuttings. Cascade No
Daily_Prod_Vol_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Deviation_Survey Borehole The borehole to which the Deviation Survey refers Cascade Yes
Deviation_Survey_Proc_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Deviation_Survey_Raw_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Downhole_Assembly Borehole The borehole in which the Downhole Assembly is installed Cascade Yes
Event Borehole Link to borehole defining where the event took place. Restrict No
Gas_Fluid_Analysis_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Generic_Rock_Sample Borehole The borehole from which the sample was extracted, if extracted from a borehole. Cascade No
Gradient_Comparison Borehole The borehole for which the two gradients are derived. Cascade Yes
Gradient_Fluid_Contact Borehole The borehole that the fluid gradient contact is associated with. Cascade Yes
Lift_Method Borehole The borehole to which this lift method refers. Cascade Yes
Lithologic_Log Borehole The borehole to which the descriptive record of lithology applies. Cascade No
Log_Channel_Set Borehole The identifier of the borehole from which the data in the set of log channels was derived. Cascade Yes
Log_Header_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Nullify No
Log_Tape_Index Borehole The borehole to which this log tape index belongs. Cascade No
MS_Event_Stage Reference_Borehole Reference borehole associated with MicroSeismic event stage Cascade No
MS_Event_Stage Treatment_Borehole Treatment borehole associated with MicroSeismic event stage Cascade No
Marker_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Measurement_Point Borehole The identifier of the Borehole for which this measurement was taken. Cascade No
Monthly_Prod_Vol_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Oil_Fluid_Analysis_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
PSFO_Activity_File Borehole Borehole_Id associated with PSFO Activity File Cascade No
Perforated_Interval Borehole The borehole in which this perforated interval resides. NOTE: If this perforated interval record is referenced in the Well_Completion_Perf table in order to specify the well completion into which it produces, this value should be in sync with the corresponding Well_Completion.Borehole_Id value. Cascade Yes
Perforation_Summary_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Plug_Analysis_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Plug_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Production_Entity Borehole The identifier of the borehole that is represented by the production entity. Cascade No
Production_Test_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Show_Summary Borehole The borehole to which the show description is associated. Cascade No
Sidewall_Core Borehole The identifier of the borehole that produced this sidewall core. Cascade No
Study_Borehole Borehole The identifier of a borehole that is an element of the study Nullify No
Stylolite Borehole The borehole to which this stylolite belongs. Nullify No
Well_Completion Borehole The identifier of the borehole where the completion is located Cascade Yes
Well_Completion_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No
Well_Fill_Interval Borehole The well that this interval is associated with Cascade Yes
Well_Test Borehole The borehole from which the test was conducted. If the well test was conducted at multiple boreholes, specify the primary borehole in this column and specify the others in the Well_Test_Site table. Cascade No
Well_Test_Site Borehole The identifier of the Borehole being tested Cascade No
Zone_DOV Borehole READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. Cascade No

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Tie_In_Borehole Borehole The identifier of the borehole to which this borehole ties in. Restrict No
Preferred_Survey Deviation_Survey The identifier of the Preferred Survey for a particular borehole. Restrict No
Nominal_Prod_Material R_Production_Material The nominal material produced by a borehole. Used to classify a well as a gas, oil or water well. This does not reflect the actual production from a borehole over the life time of the well. Restrict No
Working_Coord_System Coordinate_System The working coordinate system defined for the borehole Restrict No
Well Well The identifier of the well to which a borehole belongs. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Shape R_Borehole_Shape The shape of the borehole Restrict No
Borehole_Type R_Borehole The identifier of the type of a borehole. Restrict No
Bottom_Location Position The identifier of the position that marks the bottom location of this Borehole. Control No
Cost_Currency R_Currency The currency used for all cost attributes on the borehole. Restrict No
Current_Status R_Borehole_Status The status of the borehole that is currently in effect. This column represents a denormalization; and its value should be equal to the Borehole_Status.Status value in the Borehole_Status record where End_Date is NULL. Restrict No
Geologic_Feature Geologic_Feature The geologic feature at the total depth point of the borehole. Assoc to One No
Initial_Lahee_Class R_Lahee_Class The initial Lahee class for a borehole Restrict No
Lahee_Class R_Lahee_Class The Lahee class for the borehole Restrict No
Legal_Survey Deviation_Survey The identifier of the Legal Survey for this Borehole. Restrict No

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