
[Columns] [Composed Of] [Referenced By] [Refers To]

General Information

Name NDC_Borehole
Entity Type Extension of Borehole
Description A table to hold NDC specific information
Submodel NDC
Entity Scope Project
Primary Key Borehole_Id
Natural Key
Generalizations Tracked_Object


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Borehole_Id Borehole
The Borehole to which the additional information refers to Yes
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
License_Id Land_Agreement
The License referred to by the borehole. Usage Notes: The association to Land_Agreement to identify the License is deprecated in Seabed release 2011.1. In a future release of Seabed this association will be removed. As part of the project upgrade process for Seabed 2011.1, any License data in NDC_Borehole will be copied into the new intersection table, Position_Xref. If you are storing Licenses or other Land Agreements, you must begin transitioning your process to the new intersection table, Position_Xref, as soon as possible to avoid problems when this association between NDC_Borehole and Land_Agreement is removed. No
Original_Insert_Date DATE NA
Original date the entity was created in the repository No
Original_Update_Date DATE NA
Original date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Produced_By STRING64 NA
The name of application role that created the entity, for data created programmatically. No
Released_Date DATE NA
The date that the data for the borehole was released. No
Released_Status CODE NA
The release status of the borehole. Examples are Release, Not Released No
SDAT_Label int No_Unit
Label used by the security system for entitlements. SDAT is Secure Data Access Technology. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Borehole Borehole The Borehole to which the additional information refers to Cascade Yes
License Land_Agreement The License referred to by the borehole. Usage Notes: The association to Land_Agreement to identify the License is deprecated in Seabed release 2011.1. In a future release of Seabed this association will be removed. As part of the project upgrade process for Seabed 2011.1, any License data in NDC_Borehole will be copied into the new intersection table, Position_Xref. If you are storing Licenses or other Land Agreements, you must begin transitioning your process to the new intersection table, Position_Xref, as soon as possible to avoid problems when this association between NDC_Borehole and Land_Agreement is removed. Cascade No

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