Name | Plug_Analysis_DOV |
Entity Type | ObjectView |
Description | Data Object View. The Plug Analysis DOV provides basic information about the analysis of the properties of a plug rock sample such as porosity and density. |
Submodel | Data_Object |
Entity Scope | Project |
Primary Key | Id |
Natural Key | |
Generalizations | |
Specializations |
Name | Value Domain | Property / Storage Unit | Description | Required / Default | Type |
Air_Permeability | double | Permeability mD |
A measure that represents the ability of air to flow through a rock sample when the sample is only saturated with air. | No |
Analysis_Order_Number | int | NA |
A number that identifies the order that the analysis was performed on the sample. | No |
NUMBER(10) |
Analyst_Names | STRING255 | NA |
Free-form text used to specify the analyst or list of analysts who performed the analysis. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Analyzing_Company | CODE | NA |
The name of the lab who performed the sample analysis. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Basic_Analysis_Result_Set_Id | Basic_Analysis_Result_Set |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the basic analysis result. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Basic_Core_Analysis_Id | Basic_Core_Analysis |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the basic core analysis. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Borehole_Id | Borehole |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Borehole_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. Name of Well, Name of Field, etc. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Core_Id | Core |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Core. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Core_Top_Depth | double | Standard_Depth_Index m |
The depth measurement that represents the top of the rock sample. This is the shallowest or first encountered sample depth along the borehole path and is not related to stratigraphic position. | Yes |
Date_Of_Analysis | DATE | NA |
The date and time at which the activity will end or did end. For planned activities, this would be expected end date. | Yes |
Gas_Saturation_Volume | double | Volume m3 |
A measurement that represents the percent of gas saturation. | No |
Grain_Density | double | Density g/cm3 |
A measurement that represents the grain density of the core sample. Grain density is the unit volume of minerals with zero porosity. | No |
Id | ID | No_Unit |
Unique identifier for this entity. | Yes |
NUMBER(38) |
Insert_Date | DATE | NA |
Date the entity was created in the repository | No |
Insert_User | STRING64 | NA |
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Laboratory_File_Number | CODE | NA |
The file number assigned to the analysis by the lab. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Lithology_Description | REMARKS_STR | NA |
The Lithologic Description as revealed via sample analysis by a lab analyst. (As opposed to a lithologic description revealed via a lith log or via sight-analysis at the well site.) | No |
VARCHAR2(999) |
Plug_Depth | double | Standard_Depth_Index m |
The depth measurement that represents the top of the rock sample. This is the shallowest or first encountered sample depth along the borehole path and is not related to stratigraphic position. | Yes |
Plug_Id | Plug |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the plug. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Plug_Orientation | CODE |
The name of the type of rock sample orientation. A rock sample orientation type describes the direction the sample was extracted with respect to the parent sample. Examples include AXIAL, TRANSVERSE, PERPENDICULAR TO BEDDING, PARALLEL TO BEDDING, NO ORIENTATION, RADIAL and VERTICAL. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Plug_Quality | REMARKS_STR | NA |
Text used to describe a lab analysts interpretation of the state of a sample at the time of analysis. For example, whether the oil/salt has been extracted, etc.. | No |
VARCHAR2(999) |
Pore_Volume_Oil | double | Volume m3 |
A measurement that represents the percentage volume of oil saturation in the pore spaces of the core sample (residual oil saturation). | No |
Pore_Volume_Water | double | Volume m3 |
A measurement that represents the percentage of water in a unit volume. | No |
Porosity | double | Porosity m3/m3 |
A measurement that represents the percent volume of pore space in a sample with a capacity for storing fluids. | No |
Rock_Sample_Analysis_Prep_Id | Rock_Sample_Analysis_Prep |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the rock sample analysis preparation. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Rock_Sample_Preparation_Id | Rock_Sample_Preparation |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the rock sample preparation. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Sample_Prep_Order_Number | int | No_Unit |
A number that identifies the order that the preparation method was performed on the sample. I.e., if this is the 1st time this preparation method was performed on this sample, the value should be "1". If it is the 2nd time, the value should be "2", etc. The value should start over at "1" for each new preparation method performed on this sample. | No |
NUMBER(10) |
Sample_Preparation_Method | CODE |
The sample preparation method utilized to prepare this rock sample for analysis. Examples include convection oven drying, flow-through cleaning, and rock sample staining. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
The Unique Identifier assigned to a borehole | Yes |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Link | To Entity | Description | Implementation Technique | Required |
Borehole | Borehole | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. | Cascade | No |
Plug | Plug | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the plug. | Cascade | No |
Core | Core | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Core. | Nullify | No |
Basic_Analysis_Result_Set | Basic_Analysis_Result_Set | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the basic analysis result. | Cascade | No |
Basic_Core_Analysis | Basic_Core_Analysis | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the basic core analysis. | Cascade | No |
Rock_Sample_Analysis_Prep | Rock_Sample_Analysis_Prep | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the rock sample analysis preparation. | Cascade | No |
Rock_Sample_Preparation | Rock_Sample_Preparation | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the rock sample preparation. | Cascade | No |
CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW Plug_Analysis_DOV(ID, UBHI, BOREHOLE_NAME, CORE_TOP_DEPTH, PLUG_DEPTH, PLUG_ORIENTATION, SAMPLE_PREPARATION_METHOD, SAMPLE_PREP_ORDER_NUMBER, ANALYSIS_ORDER_NUMBER, ANALYST_NAMES, DATE_OF_ANALYSIS, LABORATORY_FILE_NUMBER, ANALYZING_COMPANY, PLUG_QUALITY, LITHOLOGY_DESCRIPTION, PORE_VOLUME_WATER, GAS_SATURATION_VOLUME, GRAIN_DENSITY, AIR_PERMEABILITY, PORE_VOLUME_OIL, POROSITY, INSERT_DATE, INSERT_USER, BOREHOLE_ID, PLUG_ID, CORE_ID, ROCK_SAMPLE_PREPARATION_ID, BASIC_CORE_ANALYSIS_ID, ROCK_SAMPLE_ANALYSIS_PREP_ID, BASIC_ANALYSIS_RESULT_SET_ID) AS SELECT Id, bh.UBHI UBHI, bh.Name Borehole_Name, co.top_depth Core_Top_Depth, pl.top_depth Plug_Depth, pl.plug_orient_type Plug_Orientation, rsp.preparation_method Sample_Preparation_Method, rsp.prep_method_order_number Sample_Prep_Order_Number, bca.analysis_order_number Analysis_Order_Number, bca.analyst_list_txt Analyst_Names, bca.start_date Date_Of_Analysis, bca.lab_file_number Laboratory_File_Number, bca.lab_name Analyzing_Company, bca.sample_state_desc Plug_Quality, bars.analysis_lithology_desc Lithology_Description, bars.bulk_volume_water Pore_Volume_Water, bars.gas_sat_vol Gas_Saturation_Volume, bars.grain_density Grain_Density, bars.perm_air Air_permeability, bars.pore_volume_oil Pore_Volume_Oil, bars.porosity Porosity, bca.insert_date Insert_Date, bca.insert_user Insert_User, bh.Id Borehole_Id, pl.Id Plug_Id, co.Id Core_Id, rsp.Id Rock_Sample_Preparation_Id, bca.Id Basic_Core_Analysis_Id, rsap.Id Rock_Sample_Analysis_Prep_Id, bars.Basic_Core_Analysis_Id Basic_Analysis_Result_Set_Id from Core co, Basic_Core_Analysis bca, Borehole bh, Plug pl, Rock_Sample_Preparation rsp, Rock_Sample_Analysis_Prep rsap, Basic_Analysis_Result_Set bars where bh.Id = co.Borehole_Id and co.Id = pl.parent_rock_sample_id and pl.Id = bca.Rock_Sample_Id and bars.basic_core_analysis_id = bca.Id and rsap.Rock_Sample_Analysis_Id (+) = bca.Id and rsp.Id(+) = rsap.Rock_Sample_Preparation_Id and rsap.Rock_Sample_Analysis_Tbl (+) = 'Basic_Core_Analysis' and bca.basic_core_analysis_type='Basic Core Plug Analysis' |