Name | Production_Test_DOV |
Entity Type | ObjectView |
Description | Data Object View. A well test is a set of procedures, performed under specified conditions, to measure the factors affecting the capability of a well for production. The Production Test DOV provides basic information about a well test such as type, start date, duration, oil and water volume. |
Submodel | Data_Object |
Entity Scope | Project |
Primary Key | Id |
Natural Key | |
Generalizations | |
Specializations |
Name | Value Domain | Property / Storage Unit | Description | Required / Default | Type |
BSW | double | Percent % |
The percentage of Basic Sediment and Water in the flow stream. BSW is material coexisting with, yet foreign to, petroleum liquid. This foreign material includes free water and sediment and/or emulsified water and sediment. | No |
Borehole_Id | Borehole |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Borehole_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. Name of Well, Name of Field, etc. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Casing_Pressure | double | Pressure kPa |
The average of all the pressures measured between the casing and test tool (measured at the surface after a well has been shut in). | No |
Choke_Size | double | Cylinder_Diameter mm |
The diameter of the choke at the wellhead. | No |
Choke_Size_UOM | STRING64 |
The unit of measure in which the tubing choke will be stored. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Completion_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. Name of Well, Name of Field, etc. | Yes |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Condensate_Volume | double | Volume m3 |
The volume of the material recovered during the well test/well test stage. Note: This can be the actual volume that was measured, or the normalized volume that was calculated for a particular well test/well test stage. | No |
Condensate_Volume_Id | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Condensate Volume. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Duration | double | Time s |
This is the duration of the well test. This is required when all that is known about a well test is the start date of the test and the duration of the test. | No |
End_Date | DATE | NA |
The date and time at which the activity will end or did end. For planned activities, this would be expected end date. | No |
Fluid_Sample_Id | Fluid_Sample |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the fluid sample. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Fluid_State_Pty_Set_Id | Fluid_State_Pty_Set |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the fluid property set. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
GLR | double | Gas_To_Liquid_Ratio m3/m3 |
The ratio of gas volume to liquid volume in the flow stream. | No |
GOR | double | Gas_To_Liquid_Ratio m3/m3 |
The ratio of gas volume to oil volume in the flow stream. | No |
Gas_Lift_Volume | double | Volume m3 |
The volume of the material recovered during the well test/well test stage. Note: This can be the actual volume that was measured, or the normalized volume that was calculated for a particular well test/well test stage. | No |
Gas_Lift_Volume_Id | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Gas Lift Volume. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Gas_Specific_Gravity | double | Dimensionless |
The ratio of the weight of a given volume of the material at a given temperature to the weight of an equal volume of a standard substance at the same temperature. In determining the specific gravity of gases, the comparison is made with the standard of air or hydrogen. | No |
Gas_Volume | double | Volume m3 |
The volume of the material recovered during the well test/well test stage. Note: This can be the actual volume that was measured, or the normalized volume that was calculated for a particular well test/well test stage. | No |
Gas_Volume_Id | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Gas Volume. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Id | ID | No_Unit |
Unique identifier for this entity. | Yes |
NUMBER(38) |
Insert_Date | DATE | NA |
Date the entity was created in the repository | No |
Insert_User | STRING64 | NA |
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Oil_API_Gravity | double | API_Oil_Gravity dAPI |
API gravity of Oil. The measure of the density of liquid petroleum products; derived from relative density in accordance with the following equation: API Gravity at 60 degrees F = [141.5 /relative density at 60 degrees F] - 131.5. API Gravity is expressed in degrees API, 10 degrees API being equivalent to 1.0, the relative density of water." | No |
Oil_Density | double | Density g/cm3 |
The density of the sample. | No |
Oil_Volume | double | Volume m3 |
The volume of the material recovered during the well test/well test stage. Note: This can be the actual volume that was measured, or the normalized volume that was calculated for a particular well test/well test stage. | No |
Oil_Volume_Id | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Oil Volume. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Remarks | REMARKS_STR | NA |
Any type of remarks added to an entity instance. | No |
VARCHAR2(999) |
Sand_Cut | double | High_Concentration % |
The ratio of sand volume to total liquid in the flow stream. It is normally defined as Sand/Total Fluid Volume. | No |
Separator_Pressure | double | Pressure kPa |
The pressure at the facility during its utilization | No |
Separator_Temperature | double | Temperature degC |
The temperature at the facility during its utilization | No |
Source | STRING64 | NA |
Name of the Business_Associate responsible for this entity"s E and P content and quality. Not the data technologist or IT expert creating the entity, for which see IT_Object.Insert_User and Update_User. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Start_Date | DATE | NA |
The date and time at which the activity will start or did start. For planned activities, this would be expected start date. | Yes |
Test_Separator_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. Name of Well, Name of Field, etc. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
Tubing_String_Id | Tubing_String |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Tubing String. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Tubing_String_Name | ENTITY_NAME | NA |
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. Name of Well, Name of Field, etc. | No |
VARCHAR2(255) |
The Unique Identifier assigned to a borehole | Yes |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Water_Volume | double | Volume m3 |
The volume of the material recovered during the well test/well test stage. Note: This can be the actual volume that was measured, or the normalized volume that was calculated for a particular well test/well test stage. | No |
Water_Volume_Id | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Water Volume. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Well_Completion_Id | Well_Completion |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Well Completion. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Well_Head_Pressure | double | Pressure kPa |
The average of all the pressures measured within the tubing. | No |
Well_Head_Temperature | double | Temperature degC |
The average of all the temperatures measured within the tubing. | No |
Well_Test_Stage_Id | Well_Test_Stage |
READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Well Test Stage. | No |
NUMBER(38) |
Well_Test_Type | CODE | NA |
A value that represents the type of well test performed. This attribute is for reference purposes only and will only show tests of type Production Test. | No |
VARCHAR2(64) |
Link | To Entity | Description | Implementation Technique | Required |
Borehole | Borehole | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Borehole. | Cascade | No |
Tubing_String | Tubing_String | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Tubing String. | Nullify | No |
Well_Completion | Well_Completion | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Well Completion. | Cascade | No |
Well_Test_Stage | Well_Test_Stage | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Well Test Stage. | Cascade | No |
Fluid_Sample | Fluid_Sample | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the fluid sample. | Cascade | No |
Condensate_Volume | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Condensate Volume. | Cascade | No |
Oil_Volume | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Oil Volume. | Cascade | No |
Water_Volume | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Water Volume. | Cascade | No |
Gas_Lift_Volume | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Gas Lift Volume. | Cascade | No |
Gas_Volume | Well_Test_Fluid_Recovery | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the Gas Volume. | Cascade | No |
Fluid_State_Pty_Set | Fluid_State_Pty_Set | READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the fluid property set. | Cascade | No |
CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE VIEW Production_Test_DOV(ID, UBHI, BOREHOLE_NAME, COMPLETION_NAME, TUBING_STRING_NAME, WELL_TEST_TYPE, SOURCE, START_DATE, END_DATE, DURATION, SAND_CUT, OIL_VOLUME, WATER_VOLUME, GAS_LIFT_VOLUME, GAS_VOLUME, CONDENSATE_VOLUME, TEST_SEPARATOR_NAME, SEPARATOR_PRESSURE, SEPARATOR_TEMPERATURE, WELL_HEAD_PRESSURE, WELL_HEAD_TEMPERATURE, CASING_PRESSURE, CHOKE_SIZE, CHOKE_SIZE_UOM, OIL_DENSITY, OIL_API_GRAVITY, GAS_SPECIFIC_GRAVITY, BSW, GOR, GLR, REMARKS, INSERT_DATE, INSERT_USER, BOREHOLE_ID, TUBING_STRING_ID, WELL_COMPLETION_ID, WELL_TEST_STAGE_ID, FLUID_SAMPLE_ID, FLUID_STATE_PTY_SET_ID, OIL_VOLUME_ID, WATER_VOLUME_ID, GAS_LIFT_VOLUME_ID, GAS_VOLUME_ID, CONDENSATE_VOLUME_ID) AS SELECT wt.Id Id, bh.UBHI UBHI, bh.Name Borehole_Name, Completion_Name, Tubing_String_Name, wt.well_test_type Well_Test_Type, wt.source Source, wt.start_date Start_Date, wt.end_date End_Date, wt.duration /3600 Duration, wts.Sand_Cut Sand_Cut, wt_oil.volume Oil_Volume, wt_water.volume Water_Volume, wt_gaslift.volume Gas_Lift_Volume, wt_gas.volume Gas_Volume, wt_condensate.volume Condensate_Volume, Test_Separator_Name, s.Pressure Separator_Pressure, s.Temperature Separator_Temperature, wts.average_tubing_pressure Well_Head_Pressure, wts.average_tubing_temperature Well_Head_Temperature, wts.average_casing_pressure Casing_Pressure, wts.tubing_choke_size Choke_Size, wts.tubing_choke_size_UOM Choke_Size_UOM, fsps.density Oil_Density, fsps.api_oil_Gravity Oil_API_Gravity, fsps.specific_Gravity Gas_Specific_Gravity, wts.bsw BSW, wts.GOR GOR, wts.GLR GLR, wt.remarks Remarks, wt.insert_date Insert_Date, wt.insert_user Insert_User, bh.Id Borehole_Id, ts.Id Tubing_String_Id, wc.Id Well_Completion_Id, wts.Id Well_Test_Stage_Id, fs.Id Fluid_Sample_Id, fsps.Id Fluid_State_Pty_Set_Id, wt_oil.Id Oil_Volume_Id, wt_water.Id Water_Volume_Id, wt_gaslift.Id Gas_Lift_Volume_Id, wt_gas.Id Gas_Volume_Id, wt_condensate.Id Condensate_Volume_Id from borehole bh, well_completion wc, well_test_stage wts, tubing_string ts, well_test wt, well_test_fluid_recovery wt_oil, well_test_fluid_recovery wt_water, well_test_fluid_recovery wt_gas, well_test_fluid_recovery wt_gaslift, well_test_fluid_recovery wt_condensate, fluid_state_pty_set fsps, fluid_sample fs, (select distinct, gafi.pressure, gafi.temperature, from well_test_stage wts, separator sep, generic_act_fac_invl gafi where gafi.facility_id = and gafi.facility_tbl = 'Separator' and gafi.Activity_Id = wts.Id and gafi.Activity_Tbl = 'Well_Test_Stage' ) s where wt.well_test_type = 'Production Test' and wt.well_completion_id = and wc.borehole_id = and wc.tubing_string_id = (+) and = wts.well_test_id and wts.well_test_stage_type = 'Flowing' and wts.stage_number = 1 and wts.Id = fs.Well_Test_Stage_Id (+) and fs.Id = fsps.Fluid_Sample_Id (+) and wt_oil.Well_Test_Stage_Id(+) = wts.Id and wt_oil.Material_Type(+) = 'Oil' and wt_oil.Volume_Method_Code(+) = 'Measured' and wt_oil.Flow_Direction_Code(+) = 'Out' and wt_water.Well_Test_Stage_Id(+) = wts.Id and wt_water.Material_Type(+) = 'Water' and wt_water.Volume_Method_Code(+) = 'Measured' and wt_water.Flow_Direction_Code(+) = 'Out' and wt_gaslift.Well_Test_Stage_Id(+) = wts.Id and wt_gaslift.Material_Type(+) = 'Gas Lift Gas' and wt_gaslift.Volume_Method_Code(+) = 'Measured' and wt_gaslift.Flow_Direction_Code(+) = 'In' and wt_gas.Well_Test_Stage_Id(+) = wts.Id and wt_gas.Material_Type(+) = 'Gas' and wt_gas.Volume_Method_Code(+) = 'Measured' and wt_gas.Flow_Direction_Code(+) = 'Out' and wt_condensate.Well_Test_Stage_Id(+) = wts.Id and wt_condensate.Material_Type(+) = 'Condensate' and wt_condensate.Volume_Method_Code(+) = 'Measured' and wt_condensate.Flow_Direction_Code(+) = 'Out' and |