
[Columns] [Composed Of] [Referenced By] [Refers To]

General Information

Name R_Currency
Entity Type Table
Description Catalog containing currency data based on ISO 4217.
Submodel Reference
Entity Scope Reference
Primary Key Code
Natural Key Code
Generalizations Reference_Entity , Reference_Entity_Parent


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Active_Flag boolean NA
1 = use without restriction. 0 = avoid use - the value has been deprecated and may be removed in a later release. Yes
A standard abbreviation, mnemonic, or short code that represents the reference value. Yes
Description STRING2000 NA
A textual definition of the reference value. No
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
The spelled-out name of the reference value. No
Numeric_Currency_Code STRING4 NA
Three character numeric currency code based on ISO 4217. Example: O40 for Austrian Schilling Yes
Source CODE NA
The person, company or application that defined or specified the data (content) for this instance and is considered to be responsible for it. For example, POSC, EPSG, API, ISO, etc.. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No

Referenced By

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From EntityLinkDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
AFE_Currency_Component Currency The currency for the AFE Restrict Yes
Activity_Program Currency The currency in which the financial attributes for the activity program are expressed. Restrict No
Borehole Cost_Currency The currency used for all cost attributes on the borehole. Restrict No
Cost_Allocation_Value Variable_Cost_Currency The identifier of the currency for the variable cost amount. Restrict No
Cost_Allocation_Value Fixed_Cost_Currency The identifier of the currency for the fixed cost amount. Restrict No
Event_Consequence Cost_Currency Code or mnemonic that identifies the currency for the cost. Restrict No
Land_Agreement Land_Agreement_Currency The currency in which the monetary amounts associated with this land agreement are specified. Restrict No
Land_Sale_Bid Currency_Code The currency in which the Bid_Amount value is expressed. Restrict No
Obligation Currency_Code The currency in which monetary amounts are expressed. Restrict No
Rate_Schedule_Detail Currency_Code The currency in which the rate amount is expressed. Restrict No
Rig_Utilization Currency The currency associated with the daily rate of the rig Restrict No
Seismic_Acquisition_Act Cost_Currency The currency in which the costs related to the acquisition are expressed. Restrict No
Tracked_Facility Catalog_Currency The currency in which the catalog cost is expressed. Restrict No
Well_AFE Currency The currency for the amount of the AFE allocated to the Well Restrict Yes
Wellhead Catalog_Currency The currency in which the catalog cost is expressed. Restrict No

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