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General Information

Name Well
Entity Type Table
Description A well is a collection of (zero or more) boreholes drilled into the earth for the purpose of either (1) finding or producing underground resources; or (2) providing services related to the production of underground resources.
Submodel Well
Entity Scope Project
Primary Key Id
Natural Key UWI , Existence_Kind , Version
Generalizations Entity , IT_Object , Tracked_Object


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Address_Id Address
Physical address of a well No
Current_Operator STRING255 NA
The current operator of the well. This is a denormalization of the information stored in the Well_BA_Involvement with a role or Operator. No
Current_Status CODE NA
The current status of a well No
Current_Status_Date DATE NA
The effective date of the current status No
Drill_Slot_Id Drill_Slot
The drill slot through which the well was drilled. No
Drill_Slot_Name STRING255 NA
A denormalization of the name of the drill slot through which the well was drilled, or the name of the drill slot through which the well was drilled in the case where the drill slot name is merely an annotation of the well and an instance of a drill slot has not been created. No
A reference value that describes the state of existence in the lifecycle of the entity, for example, Planned, Predicted, Required, Simulated, and Actual. Yes
Field_Id Field
The identifier of the Field in which this Well is located. No
Globally Unique IDentifier for an instance of a class. USAGE NOTES: There are two cases: 1) GUID is not populated or used; and 2) it is populated with a value that is globally unique. If the GUID is populated there are two means of doing so for a given project: 2a) Seabed automatically generates and populates the GUID when an instance is created (valid only on Oracle based systems); and 2b) the GUID is generated and populated by an application (other than Seabed) on instance creation. Whether Seabed automatically generates GUIDs for a project is determined by the Auto_GUID flag in SDS_Account. Note that techniques 2a and 2b can coexist in the same project. When GUIDs are automatically generated an application can override the automatically generated GUID with its own GUID by simply supplying the GUID value. Applications that generate their own GUIDs and populate the GUID column will function correctly on projects which have automatic GUID generation turned on. No
H2S_Flag boolean NA
Flag indicating the presence of H2S in the fluids produced from the well. No
Id ID No_Unit
Unique identifier for this entity. Yes
Initial_Lahee_Class R_Lahee_Class
The initial Lahee class for a well No
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
Lahee_Class R_Lahee_Class
Denormalized from Borehole. Overall classification of the Well according to the Lahee classification system. Only useful where all Boreholes have the same classification No
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. name of Well, name of Field, etc. No
Original_Source STRING64 NA
The name of the person, Organization or project source that originally provided this entity, e.g. "IHS-EnergyData" or "FinderUpper Stratton Deeper Pool 15" No
Permanent_Coord_System_Id Coordinate_System
The permanent coordinate system defined for the well No
Produced_By STRING64 NA
The name of application role that created the entity, for data created programmatically. No
Remarks STRING2000 NA
Any type of remarks added to an entity instance. No
SDAT_Label int No_Unit
Label used by the security system for entitlements. SDAT is Secure Data Access Technology. No
Security_Classification CODE NA
The classification of the well as far as information security is concerned No
Source STRING64 NA
Name of the person or organization responsible for this entitys E and P content and quality. Not the data technologist or IT expert creating the entity, for which see IT_Object.Insert_User and Update_User. No
Spud_Date DATE NA
The date and time when activities to drill the well begin to create a hole in the earth. This is the spud date of the initial borehole. No
Standard_Pressure double Pressure
Standard pressure for rates and volumes reported to be measured at Standard Conditions. Set by the local regulatory authority. No
Standard_Temperature double Temperature
Standard temperature for rates and volumes reported to be measured at Standard Conditions. Set by the local regulatory authority. No
Surface_Location_Id Position
The identifier of the position that marks the surface location of a Well. No
Unique Well Identifier Yes
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No
Version STRING255 NA
The form or variant of the entity. Yes

Referenced By

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From EntityLinkDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Activity_Facility_Invl Site_Well The well at which the facility is installed. E.g. A Wellhead Facility can be associated to a well using this relationship. Nullify No
Activity_Program Well The identifier of the Well for which the program is defined. Cascade No
Borehole Well The identifier of the well to which a borehole belongs. Cascade Yes
Borehole_Summary_DOV Well READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the well. Cascade No
DWSAP_Factor_Set Well The Drinking Water Safety Assessment Program factors associated with a particular well. Cascade Yes
Facility_Composition Part_Well An association to denote wells that are part of another larger facility. For example a Generic_Facility of type wellsite could be composed of 1 well and 1 tank battery. Cascade No
Field Discovery_Well The identifier of the well that was used to discover the field. Nullify No
Obligation_Component Well The well affected by the obligation. Cascade No
Production_Entity Well The identifier of the well that is represented by the production entity. Cascade No
Rig_Planning Well Well identifier Cascade No
Study_Well Well The identifier of a well that is an element of the study. Nullify No
Water_Demand_Rgn_Facility Well The Well that is part of the Water Demand Region Cascade No
Well_AFE Well The Well to which this Well_AFE pertains Cascade Yes
Well_Alias Well Well whose aliases these are. Cascade Yes
Well_BA_Involvement Well The well for which this involvement is valid Cascade Yes
Well_Comm_Interface_X Well This defines the well that is being served by the communications interface. Cascade Yes
Well_Remark Well The identifier of the well to which the remarks refer. Cascade Yes
Well_Remark_DOV Well READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the well. Cascade No
Well_Status Well The identifier of the well to which the status applies. Cascade Yes
Well_Status_DOV Well READ ONLY: Unique identifier for the well. Cascade No
Wellhead_Protection_Area Well The wellhead Protection Area associated with a Well. Cascade Yes

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Lahee_Class R_Lahee_Class Denormalized from Borehole. Overall classification of the Well according to the Lahee classification system. Only useful where all Boreholes have the same classification Restrict No
Permanent_Coord_System Coordinate_System The permanent coordinate system defined for the well Restrict No
Surface_Location Position The identifier of the position that marks the surface location of a Well. Control No
Initial_Lahee_Class R_Lahee_Class The initial Lahee class for a well Restrict No
Address Address Physical address of a well Nullify No
Drill_Slot Drill_Slot The drill slot through which the well was drilled. Nullify No
Field Field The identifier of the Field in which this Well is located. Cascade No
Well_Structure Wellsite_Structure The structure from where the well was drilled Assoc to One No

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