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General Information

Name WG_Survey_3D
Entity Type Extension of Survey_3D
Description This class contains extensions to the Survey_3D class that are specific to the Expeditor replacement.
Submodel WesternGeco
Entity Scope Project
Primary Key Survey_3D_Id
Natural Key
Generalizations Tracked_Object


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Geomarket_Id BA_Group
The geomarket responsible for the sales and marketing of the survey. No
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
Large_Block_Flag boolean NA
A flag to denote whether the survey was acquired a large lease block or a small lease block. A value of 1 indicates that the survey was acquired in a large lease block, a value of 0 indicates that it was acquired in a small lease block. Current usage rules should be applied to surveys spanning multiple lease blocks. This attribute applies only to surveys acquired in U.S. Gulf of Mexico federal lease blocks. No
Processing_Technology_1 STRING64 NA
Used to define a processing technology applied to the survey such as the demultiple method or the migration algorithm. No
Processing_Technology_2 STRING64 NA
Used to store a processing technology applied to the survey such as the demultiple method or the migration algorithm. No
Processing_Technology_3 STRING64 NA
Used to define the processing technology a processing technology applied to the survey such as the demultiple method or the migration algorithm. No
Produced_By STRING64 NA
The name of application role that created the entity, for data created programmatically. No
Revenue_Type R_WG_Revenue
The type of revenue generated by the survey. No
SDAT_Label int No_Unit
Label used by the security system for entitlements. SDAT is Secure Data Access Technology. No
Survey_3D_Id Survey_3D
The id of the 3D seismic survey to which the extensions apply. Yes
Survey_Area double Area
The area of the 3D survey as calculated by a WesternGeco specific method. It is used for sales and marketing purposes. No
Survey_Year int No_Unit
The year assigned to the survey. It may be different from both the acquisition start date and the acquisition end date and contains no fractional parts of the year. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Survey_3D Survey_3D The id of the 3D seismic survey to which the extensions apply. Cascade Yes
Geomarket BA_Group The geomarket responsible for the sales and marketing of the survey. Cascade No
Revenue_Type R_WG_Revenue The type of revenue generated by the survey. Restrict No

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