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General Information

Name Production_Calc_Pty_Set
Entity Type Table
Description A collection of properties whose values are used in the calculation of production data.
Submodel PRT
Entity Scope Project
Primary Key Id
Natural Key Production_Entity_Id , Start_Date , Existence_Kind , Version
Generalizations Entity , IT_Object , Tracked_Object


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NameValue DomainProperty /
Storage Unit
DescriptionRequired /
Default_BSW double Percent
The default percentage of basic sediment and water in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual BSW is known. No
Default_CGR double Liquid_To_Gas_Ratio
The default ratio of condensate volume to gas volume in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual CGR is known. No
Default_Confidence_Factor double No_Unit
A number that indicates the default uncertainty factor of the production volumes recorded in association with this production entity. The value is between 0 and 1, 1 being completely certain and 0 being completely uncertain of the accuracy of the measurements that contribute to the volume calculations. No
Default_GLR double Gas_To_Liquid_Ratio
The default ratio of gas volume to liquid volume in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual GLR is known. No
Default_GOR double Gas_To_Liquid_Ratio
The default ratio of gas volume to oil volume in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual GOR is known. No
Default_Sand_Cut double High_Concentration
The default ratio of sand volume to total liquid volume in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual Sand Cut is known. No
Default_Test_Separator_Id Separator
The identifier of the test separator that is used, by default, to separate and measure fluids flowing from this production entity during well testing. (For cases where portable separators are used. It allows for identification of the meter or meters that measured well test volumes; which in turn allows for identification of the meter properties whose values are needed to perform production calculations.) No
Default_WCR double Liquid_To_Liquid_Ratio
The default ratio of water volume to condensate volume in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual WCR is known. No
Default_WGR double Liquid_To_Gas_Ratio
The default ratio of water volume to gas volume in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual WGR is known. No
Default_WOR double Liquid_To_Liquid_Ratio
The default ratio of water volume to oil volume in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual WOR is known. No
Default_Water_Cut double Liquid_To_Liquid_Ratio
The default ratio of water volume to total liquid volume in the fluid whose volumes are recorded for this production entity. This can be overridden on the production volumes record if the actual Water Cut is known. No
Display_Pressure_Base_Name CODE NA
The name of the pressure base in which volumes associated with this production entity are displayed. If it is specified for a facility, it applies to all facilities attached to that facility. It can be overridden at the individual facility level. No
Display_Temp_Base_Name CODE NA
The name of the temperature base in which volumes associated with this production entity are displayed. If it is specified for a facility, it applies to all facilities attached to that facility. It can be overridden at the individual facility level. No
End_Date DATE NA
The last date the production calculation properties are in effect. No
A reference value that describes the state of existence in the lifecycle of the entity, for example, Planned, Predicted, Required, Simulated, and Actual. Yes
Fac_Flow_Direction_Code R_Flow_Direction
Represents whether this production entity is measuring fluid flowing in or out of the production entity (facility) to which it is attached. For example, a meter might measure fluid flowing out of a well. In that case, the flow direction specified in association with that meter would be "out". No
Globally Unique IDentifier for an instance of a class. USAGE NOTES: There are two cases: 1) GUID is not populated or used; and 2) it is populated with a value that is globally unique. If the GUID is populated there are two means of doing so for a given project: 2a) Seabed automatically generates and populates the GUID when an instance is created (valid only on Oracle based systems); and 2b) the GUID is generated and populated by an application (other than Seabed) on instance creation. Whether Seabed automatically generates GUIDs for a project is determined by the Auto_GUID flag in SDS_Account. Note that techniques 2a and 2b can coexist in the same project. When GUIDs are automatically generated an application can override the automatically generated GUID with its own GUID by simply supplying the GUID value. Applications that generate their own GUIDs and populate the GUID column will function correctly on projects which have automatic GUID generation turned on. No
Gas_Yield_Factor double Dimensionless
A ratio that represents the amount of gas volume shrinkage. (Only valid for production entities that are meters.) No
Id ID No_Unit
Unique identifier for this entity. Yes
Insert_Date DATE NA
Date the entity was created in the repository No
Insert_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the creation of this entity in the repository. No
Material_Disposition_Code R_Material_Disposition
Represents how this volume of material is used/consumed. For example, Sales, Flared, Irrigation, etc. No
Measured_Material_Type R_Production_Material
The type of material whose volumes are measured at this production entity. This is only valid for production entities that are used to collect measurements (like meters, tanks, measurement points). Example values are: Oil, Water, Gas. No
Meter_Flow_Calc_Method_Code R_Meter_Flow_Calc_Method
The method used to calculate flow through this orifice meter. Example values are: AGA3 and ISO5167. (Only valid for production entities that are orifice meters.) No
Meter_Tap_Location_Code R_Meter_Tap_Location
The location of the meter tap used to measure static pressure - relative to the orifice. Example values are: upstream, downstream. (This is only valid for production entities that are orifice meters.) No
Meter_Tap_Type R_Meter_Tap
The configuration of the pressure tap for a meter. Example tap types are Flanged, Pipe, Corner, DandD/2. (This is only valid for production entities that are orifice meters.) No
The name given to any object or data item, e.g. name of Well, name of Field, etc. No
Original_Source STRING64 NA
The name of the person, Organization or project source that originally provided this entity, e.g. "IHS-EnergyData" or "FinderUpper Stratton Deeper Pool 15" No
Prod_Entity_Purpose_Code R_Prod_Entity_Purpose
The context in which readings recorded against this production entity are used. In other words, the purpose specifies whether readings are used in production calculations, used in allocation calculations, or used for reference only. No
Prod_Vol_Calc_Method_Code R_Prod_Vol_Calc_Method
The method used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. For example, volumes for a well can be calculated from well test results or from meter readings. Example values are: Well Test, Performance Curve, Measurement. No
Produced_By STRING64 NA
The name of application role that created the entity, for data created programmatically. No
Production_Entity_Id Production_Entity
The identifier of the production entity to which the production calculation values apply. Yes
Remarks STRING2000 NA
Any type of remarks added to an entity instance. No
SDAT_Label int No_Unit
Label used by the security system for entitlements. SDAT is Secure Data Access Technology. No
Source STRING64 NA
Name of the person or organization responsible for this entitys E and P content and quality. Not the data technologist or IT expert creating the entity, for which see IT_Object.Insert_User and Update_User. No
Start_Date DATE NA
The start date from which the production calculation properties take effect. Yes
Temp_Corr_Enabled_Flag boolean NA
A value that indicates whether or not, when entering a production volume amount for this production entity, the volume value is automatically corrected to the specified base temperature/pressure amount. Valid values are: 1 - automatic correction is enabled; and 0 - automatic correction is not enabled. No
Update_Date DATE NA
Date of the most-recent modification to the entity. No
Update_User STRING64 NA
The name of the user responsible for the last modification to this entity. No
Use_BSW_Flag boolean NA
A flag that specifies whether or not the BSW value is used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. Valid values are 1(true) = value is used; 0 (false) = value is not used. No
Use_CGR_Flag boolean NA
A flag that specifies whether or not the CGR value is used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. Valid values are 1(true) = value is used; 0 (false) = value is not used. No
Use_GLR_Flag boolean NA
A flag that specifies whether or not the GLR value is used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. Valid values are 1(true) = value is used; 0 (false) = value is not used. No
Use_GOR_Flag boolean NA
A flag that specifies whether or not the GOR value is used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. Valid values are 1(true) = value is used; 0 (false) = value is not used. No
Use_Gas_Yield_Factor_Flag boolean NA
A flag that specifies whether or not the Gas Yield Factor value is used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. Valid values are 1(true) = value is used; 0 (false) = value is not used. No
Use_WCR_Flag boolean NA
A flag that specifies whether or not the WCR value is used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. Valid values are 1(true) = value is used; 0 (false) = value is not used. No
Use_WGR_Flag boolean NA
A flag that specifies whether or not the WGR value is used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. Valid values are 1(true) = value is used; 0 (false) = value is not used. No
Use_WOR_Flag boolean NA
A flag that specifies whether or not the WOR value is used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. Valid values are 1(true) = value is used; 0 (false) = value is not used. No
Version STRING255 NA
The form or variant of the entity. Yes
Z_Factor_Calc_Method_Code R_Z_Factor_Calc_Method
The method used to calculate the z factor for gas flowing through this meter. Example values are: AGA 8, Redlich Kwong, and Gravity Correlation. (This is only valid for production entities that are gas meters.) No

Refers To

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LinkTo EntityDescriptionImplementation TechniqueRequired
Default_Test_Separator Separator The identifier of the test separator that is used, by default, to separate and measure fluids flowing from this production entity during well testing. (For cases where portable separators are used. It allows for identification of the meter or meters that measured well test volumes; which in turn allows for identification of the meter properties whose values are needed to perform production calculations.) Restrict No
Fac_Flow_Direction_Code R_Flow_Direction Represents whether this production entity is measuring fluid flowing in or out of the production entity (facility) to which it is attached. For example, a meter might measure fluid flowing out of a well. In that case, the flow direction specified in association with that meter would be "out". Restrict No
Measured_Material_Type R_Production_Material The type of material whose volumes are measured at this production entity. This is only valid for production entities that are used to collect measurements (like meters, tanks, measurement points). Example values are: Oil, Water, Gas. Restrict No
Material_Disposition_Code R_Material_Disposition Represents how this volume of material is used/consumed. For example, Sales, Flared, Irrigation, etc. Restrict No
Meter_Flow_Calc_Method_Code R_Meter_Flow_Calc_Method The method used to calculate flow through this orifice meter. Example values are: AGA3 and ISO5167. (Only valid for production entities that are orifice meters.) Restrict No
Z_Factor_Calc_Method_Code R_Z_Factor_Calc_Method The method used to calculate the z factor for gas flowing through this meter. Example values are: AGA 8, Redlich Kwong, and Gravity Correlation. (This is only valid for production entities that are gas meters.) Restrict No
Meter_Tap_Type R_Meter_Tap The configuration of the pressure tap for a meter. Example tap types are Flanged, Pipe, Corner, DandD/2. (This is only valid for production entities that are orifice meters.) Restrict No
Prod_Entity_Purpose_Code R_Prod_Entity_Purpose The context in which readings recorded against this production entity are used. In other words, the purpose specifies whether readings are used in production calculations, used in allocation calculations, or used for reference only. Restrict No
Prod_Vol_Calc_Method_Code R_Prod_Vol_Calc_Method The method used to calculate production volumes for this production entity. For example, volumes for a well can be calculated from well test results or from meter readings. Example values are: Well Test, Performance Curve, Measurement. Restrict No
Production_Entity Production_Entity The identifier of the production entity to which the production calculation values apply. Cascade Yes
Meter_Tap_Location_Code R_Meter_Tap_Location The location of the meter tap used to measure static pressure - relative to the orifice. Example values are: upstream, downstream. (This is only valid for production entities that are orifice meters.) Restrict No

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